Encourage them to have some. Not the kind that we have when we’re asleep, the ones we have in waking hours, Big dreams, hopes, aspirations, goals whatever you want to call them. When we get clear about what we want, get focused, think about it, make plans for it, spend time imagining it, we are actually helping to bring it into existence. Quantum physics explains how everything is energy, everything, just vibrating at different speeds and is made up of molecules, particles. Thought effects particles and draws them into your experience. What you spend your time thinking about will show up in your life, so think about what you do want, not what you don’t want. The unconscious mind doesn’t process negatives directly so even when you’re thinking I don’t want to be broke, I don’t want a headache, I don’t want to be late. Guess what, you’re by passing the ‘don’t’ bit and focusing on being broke, having a headache, being late all the things you don’t want because you have to think of them to then not think of them! Flip it, think about being wealthy, healthy and on time :o)

Encourage teenagers to identify what they really want to do and when you nurture a supportive, encouraging environment there’s more chance they’ll believe they can achieve whatever it is they want to. Just because a child isn’t academically gifted doesn’t mean they don’t have other talents that are as valuable and needed. There are many styles of learning and we all have our preferences. They are not even consciously chosen, just the way we’re wired. I learnt about learning styles when I did my nlp course and I realized that my youngest son who was labelled with dyslexia and adhd (also with Asperger’s syndrome) was struggling with learning to read and write because he was a kinaesthetic learner (Using the body). Often athletes, sports people and creative, artistic types who are good using their hands or bodies are kinaesthetic learners and struggle with learning the ‘traditional’ talk and chalk way. Talk and chalk is still the predominant way of teaching. Teacher standing at front of class speaking and writing on board or flipchart, meaning students need to learn through visual and auditory means. This is difficult for some people, they learn better through other methods, doing, hands on experiences.